Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Do you ever find that you are most creative in a certain environment? Sometimes I realize that I write my best work when I am inspired by some sort of recent event, particularly a tragedy. For example, for my English class, we were given an assignment to do one of various things to write a two-page entry in our journals, but for mine, a great deal of ideas ran through my head. When given a book to write in freely, such as my English journal, although I don't use it very often, I find that my best work reveals itself when I am prompted by some sort of motive or initiative, particularly about something that has had a major impact on my life. I believe I write best at night, where everything is most calm and quiet, making it easier for me to think. Sometimes I like to listen to music while I do my work as well, to further inspire me and put me in a more relaxing environment. Everyone has different circumstances under which they are most creative, but the above are some of mine that help me do my best work of which I am most proud.

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About Me

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I'm 6'7" and 14, in case you were wondering. I'm also really proud of my Jewish heritage and love to get involved in my school and temple communities.